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The Refugee Crisis: Journalists Reporting from the Field


Event Date:

April 19, 2017 | 6:00 PM


Roosevelt House
47-49 E 65th Street

New York, NY 10065

Image by Emily Kassie. Turkey, 2016.

From smugglers in Agadez, to factory owners in Turkey, to the Italian and Nigerian mafias in Italy...

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Multiple Authors
Refugees climb out of their dinghy on the shores of Lesbos after having crossed from Turkey, about seven miles away. Image by Tzeli Hadjidimitiou. Greece, 2015.
Refugees climb out of their dinghy on the shores of Lesbos after having crossed from Turkey, about seven miles away. Image by Tzeli Hadjidimitiou. Greece, 2015.

How are the lives of refugees impacted as they migrate throughout the world? And how does their migration affect the global economy? On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, in New York, Pulitzer Center grantee journalists Jeanne Carstensen, Robin Shulman, and Emily Kassie explore these themes in their reporting and discuss the current state of the refugee crisis. 

The panel is organized by the Pulitzer Center, Hunter College and Guttman Community College, in collaboration with Roosevelt House. Sissel McCarthy, distinguished lecturer and director of the Journalism Program at Hunter College Film and Media Studies, moderates the panel discussion. 

Also attending, Pulitzer Center Contributing Editor Kem Sawyer, who edited the Pulitzer Center e-book Flight from Syria: Refugee Stories. The e-book features the writing and photography of nine Pulitzer Center grantees—journalists who reported on Syrian refugees between 2012 and 2015. 

Carstenson's Pulitzer Center supported reporting has focused on the island of Lesbos, an epicenter of the refugee flight, and on situations that may await them if they make it to Europe. Kassie considers migration's impact on the global economy and areas of refugee exploitation, while Shulman examines government resettlement policies in the U.S. and Canada.

Their work has been published in dozens of national and international news outlets, including PRI's The World, Huffington Post, and Time Magazine. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

6 pm: Panel

7 pm: Reception

Roosevelt House

47-49 E 65th Street

New York, NY 10065


teal halftone illustration of a family carrying luggage and walking


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Migration and Refugees
Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


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Gender Equality