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    Postuler pour participer au Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Le réseau d'investigation établira un écosystème collaboratif de journalistes du monde entier. Ensemble, ils découvriront les pratiques nuisibles et illégales des industries de la pêche et de l'extraction, les menaces systémiques qui pèsent sur la biodiversité marine et les communautés côtières

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    Participe da Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    A rede investigativa estabelecerá um ecossistema colaborativo de jornalistas em todo o mundo. Juntos, eles descobrirão as práticas nocivas e ilegais dos setores pesqueiro e extrativista, as ameaças sistêmicas à biodiversidade marinha e às comunidades costeiras e as cadeias de suprimentos que

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    Únase a la Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    La red de investigación establecerá un ecosistema de colaboración de periodistas de todo el mundo. Juntos sacarán a la luz las prácticas nocivas e ilegales de las industrias pesquera y extractiva, las amenazas sistémicas a la biodiversidad marina y las comunidades costeras, y las cadenas de

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    Participe da Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    A rede investigativa estabelecerá um ecossistema colaborativo de jornalistas em todo o mundo. Juntos, eles descobrirão as práticas nocivas e ilegais dos setores pesqueiro e extrativista, as ameaças sistêmicas à biodiversidade marinha e às comunidades costeiras e as cadeias de suprimentos que

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    Mendaftar untuk Bergabung dengan Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Jaringan investigasi ini akan membentuk ekosistem kolaboratif bagi para jurnalis di seluruh dunia. Bersama-sama, mereka akan mengungkap praktik-praktik industri perikanan dan industri ekstraktif yang merusak dan ilegal, ancaman sistemik terhadap keanekaragaman hayati laut dan masyarakat pesisir

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    Postuler pour participer au Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Le réseau d'investigation établira un écosystème collaboratif de journalistes du monde entier. Ensemble, ils découvriront les pratiques nuisibles et illégales des industries de la pêche et de l'extraction, les menaces systémiques qui pèsent sur la biodiversité marine et les communautés côtières

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    Únase a la Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    La red de investigación establecerá un ecosistema de colaboración de periodistas de todo el mundo. Juntos sacarán a la luz las prácticas nocivas e ilegales de las industrias pesquera y extractiva, las amenazas sistémicas a la biodiversidad marina y las comunidades costeras, y las cadenas de

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    Apply To Join the Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    The network will establish a collaborative ecosystem of journalists around the world. Together, they will uncover the harmful and illegal practices of the fishing and extractive industries, systemic threats to marine biodiversity and coastal communities, and the supply chains facilitating global

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    August 21st, 2022

    By Fiona Jin 10th grade, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, IL With lines from "A World Without Men" by Anna Sussman, a Pulitzer Center reporting project I have rinsed your name from my mouth. Four months in front of a dirty mirror is enough to realize my vocabulary of pain, how I learned how to smile

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    By Ivi Hua 10th grade, Mead High School, WA With lines from "Colonias and the American Dream Are One and the Same for Residents" by Carolina Cuellar, a Pulitzer Center reporting project i. American, call me your garden of prosperity. this fickle paradise, a harvested blight. these men, lulled into

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    we the garden

    By Archer Bouslog 12th grade, Theodore Roosevelt High School, IA With lines from “For Ghana’s Only Openly Transgender Musician, ‘Every Day Is Dangerous’” by Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu, a Pulitzer Center reporting project she could have bloomed much earlier yet the frost of hatred kept her petals crumpled

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    Dream Land

    By Mackenzie Duan 11th grade, Dougherty Valley High School, CA With lines from "Fallen Forest: Cambodia’s Political Reforestation Unlikely To Survive" by Anton Delgado, a Pulitzer Center reporting project In August, bulldozers cleared Phnom Tamao Forest, the land pockmarked with bushes, uneven as

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    Ocean and Fisheries Reporting Grant

    The Pulitzer Center is seeking ambitious reporting proposals from freelance and staff journalists from around the world who wish to report on vital ocean and fisheries issues and are in need of support for their reporting projects. How to Apply Apply Now The Pulitzer Center, a nonprofit organization

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    Fundo Semear Brasil 2023

    O Fundo Semear é uma microbolsa oferecida pelo Pulitzer Center, aplicada à projetos de educação, para financiar atividades que enriqueçam as perspectivas e os conhecimentos da comunidade universitária—especificamente estudantes e educadores—sobre os problemas, soluções e inovações relacionadas com o

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    anthozoa as powder kegs

    By Claire He 11th grade, Carmel High School, IN With lines from "‘Ticking Ecological Time Bombs’: Thousands of Sunken WWII Ships Rusting at Bottom of Pacific" by Thomas Heaton, a Pulitzer Center reporting project the graveyard juts like her ribcage from the seabed. drowned, it carries ghosts both

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    Thar Badlega Pakistan

    By Shezal Bardaie 9th grade, New Tech High @ Coppell, TX With lines from "The Mystifying Rise of Suicide in Pakistan’s Thar Desert" by Alizeh Kohari, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Content notes: This poem contains themes and descriptions of suicide. Chaman Lal received a call from home. His

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    A Question

    By Ava Heydarian 11th grade, Walter Johnson High School, MD Honorable mention With lines from "The Story of Al-Eizariya: Jerusalem's Town Forgotten Behind the Wall" by Laila Shadid, a Pulitzer Center reporting project “Where are you right now?” He asked, Standing on the known side Not the side

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    By Brooke Deegan 9th grade, Pine-Richland High School, PA Honorable mention With lines from "Drawn to War: A Ukraine Journal” by George Butler, a Pulitzer Center reporting project violent clouds looming above ancient tarnished cobblestone streets threatening gray, brimful with dismay of its presence