David Rochkind
David grew up outside of Detroit, Michigan and studied sociology at the University of Michigan. In 2003, he moved to Caracas, Venzuela, where he began to work as a freelance photographer. While covering the entire region, his work appeared in newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times Magazine, Time, Newsweek, Stern, Rolling Stone, Le Monde Magazine and others. David has also worked for a variety of NGOs and development organizations, including CARE, The Carter Center, UNHCR and the World Health Organization.
In 2008, he moved to Mexico City, where he began working on the book Heavy Hand, Sunken Spirit, which examines the long-term costs and consequences of the country's drug war (Dewi Lewis Publishing, November 2012). For the past four years he has worked on a project about the global TB epidemic and recently developed the work into an educational website and curriculum for high schools, that teaches about TB and public health in the developing world (www.tbepidemic.org).
His work has been recognized by numerous organizations. He was named as one of PDN's "30 New and Emerging Photographers to Watch," and has won awards and grants from the National Press Photographers Association, the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the World Health Organization, the Magenta Foundation and others.