Justin Fenton
In a story straight out of the popular 2000s television series The Shield, a Baltimore police officer named Wayne Jenkins led the special Gun Trace Task Force to citywide acclaim for his unorthodox methods of fighting crime, while secretly robbing suspects of money and drugs. In a new three-part Pulitzer Center-supported series from The Baltimore Sun, journalist Justin Fenton and a team of contributors chart Jenkins’ rise and fall, and the police establishment that turned a blind eye to his unit’s many excesses.
Maria Ines Zamudio
The U.S. military has long attracted non-citizens to serve with promises of a path to citizenship, but the Trump administration is now breaking those promises to veterans. In the past six years, 250 veterans have been placed in removal proceedings, and 92 have already been deported without the government taking their service into account. Maria Ines Zamudio reports on the 1996 law the administration is using to justify the deportations in a Pulitzer Center-supported story for NPR and WBEZ.
The Quest for an Organ Transplant in Venezuela
Flaviana Sandoval
As Venezuela sinks further into its financial crisis, the Maduro government is struggling to provide its people with key services. One area that has thus far gone unreported is the country’s organ transplant system, which has almost completely collapsed. Boston University student fellow Flaviana Sandoval reports on how kidney patients are dying waiting for donor organs, while the wealthy buy access to transplants from private hospitals.
Exiled Soldiers
A new report shows that hundreds of veterans were placed in deportation proceedings. We explore an...
With Venezuela's organ procurement system in paralysis since 2017 and the public health...