The Pulitzer Center is committed to supporting journalism that addresses systemic racism in the U.S. and around the world, while telling stories of resilience and creative solutions.
Our journalists report on the many ways in which racism underlies legal, governmental, and social structures. They document how critical systems like housing, health care, and education systematically underserve and harm Black and brown people. They trace today’s inequities back to their historical roots in the institution of slavery, the mass displacement and genocide of Indigenous peoples, and the exploitation of immigrant labor. And they show how people of color continue to resist injustice, build solidarity, and envision a better world.
As the official education partner for The 1619 Project, we are also committed to fostering dialogue on the legacy of slavery and the efforts of Black Americans to move the U.S. toward its stated ideals. We invite you to explore our 1619 education resources and our complete archive of racial justice reporting.