The Pulitzer Center-supported film Snow Money explores the impact of the climate crisis on an “average Joe,” Joe De Dominici, a snow plower and small business owner in Boston, MA. When Boston is pelted by heavy, wet snow, De Dominici and his team prime their equipment to dig the city out of its slushy, gray cast.
Grantee Kristen Chin asks what it means to make a living in America when increasingly volatile weather makes the American way of living uncertain. De Dominici supports his family on a seasonal salary and wants to buy his first home. How long will it be before his small team is forced to adjust to a new future or fail?
At this year’s Washington Weekend, a Reporting Fellows event hosted by the Pulitzer Center, Chin screened segments of the film for 50 of her peers. She hopes it will preserve Boston’s history and inspire ordinary people all over the United States to take climate action. The film later showed to a “full house,” said Chin over email, on October 16, 2022, at the Boston Globe Globedocs Documentary Film Festival.
View the trailer for Snow Money here.
Past Screenings:
- Saturdays 6/11/22-7/9/22: Chicopee Community TV
- 6/13/22: Northampton Community TV cable screening followed by Q&A for “Focus Locus,” a filmmaking series by filmmakers, for filmmakers.
- 6/17/22: Cambridge Community TV in-person screening followed by Q&A
- 9/18/22: Newburyport Film Festival
- 10/15/22: Groundwork Somerville as part of Somerville Community The Growing Center’s series about climate change.
- 10/15/22: Pulitzer Center Washington Weekend
- 10/16/22: GlobeDocs (Boston Globe) Documentary Film Festival
Upcoming Screenings:
- TBD: Brookline Interactive Group
- TBD: Snow & Ice Management Association