For the full article in German, posted on Deutschlandfunk Kultur's website, please click here.
The project "Femicidal Cops: Argentine Women say Basta!" found space on the German public radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur in two different ways: on-air in a 20-minute radio feature on the program "Weltzeit." And on the radio station's website, with text and photos.
The radio feature brings the events in Argentina to life for the listeners: the anger of the youth in the town of Rojas after a young woman named Úrsula was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, a policeman. The grief and the questions of her parents, at home in their kitchen — where at Christmas the murderer of their daughter had sat at the same table. But the authors also visited the public prosecutor, who wants to bring the perpetrator in Úrsula's case to justice soon. As well as representatives of the institutions, among others, with feminists in ministries and in the police force, trying to trigger changes — a gigantic task.
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The radio feature ends with a meeting of relatives of murdered women. It was the first time that Úrsula's parents were present at one of the group's meetings. It was the first meeting since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. All the relatives told their stories — each one crueler and sadder than the next.
Úrsula's case was not the only one in which a police officer was the perpetrator. The sister of murdered woman Florencia Albornoz told how Albornoz had filed a complaint of violence against her ex-husband 18 times. But 17 of the reports, she says, could no longer be found after the woman's death. It was then revealed that her ex-husband, a policeman, had paid his friends at the police department with a suckling pig for each covered-up report. Only one of the complaints was available to the court: The sister had filed it directly with the public prosecutor's office.