On arrival at Cape Town International Airport. Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
A common sign in every bathroom urges users to switch out soap and water for hand sanitizer. Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
A mural located at the V&A Waterfront, a popular tourist destination in Cape Town. Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
Signs posted in Stellenbosch just outside of Cape Town in English, Xhoosa, and Zulu. Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
People were asked to share their #waterwise techniques on this board at the Cape Town Cheese Festival which saw over 30,000 attendees this year. Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
Writing on the mirror in a restaurant bathroom mirror reads, 'Forget the tap save water.' Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
Woolworths, one of the most popular clothing and food distributors in South Africa, displays a sign on the front of their stores. Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
Signs posted on the N1 highway into Cape Town. Image by Jacqueline Flynn. South Africa, 2018.
For months, street corners, buildings, and bathroom mirrors served as constant reminders for Capetonians of the looming threat of the water crisis and suggested new ways to save water.