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    Comité consultatif

    Rencontrez le Comité consultatif de la forêt tropicale du bassin du Congo Le Rainforest Journalism Fund vise à appuyer et à renforcer les capacités des journalistes locaux, régionaux et internationaux qui couvrent les questions liées aux forêts tropicales humides. L'une des trois régions de forêt

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    Comité consultivo

    Conozca a los miembros del comité consultivo de la Cuenca del Congo El comité consultivo de la Cuenca del Congo - Congo Basin RJF está compuesto por respetados periodistas en temas relacionados con las selvas tropicales que, con su comprensión crítica de los contextos regionales y locales, ayudan a

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    Human Resources Manager

    We are looking for an experienced and creative HR generalist who can help us attract and retain the talent we need to achieve our mission and support our team's commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in all aspects of our work. Our amazing staff is currently located in greater

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    A Language All Their Own

    A Language All Their Own By Amaela Bruce11th grade, New Tech Academy @ Wayne High School With lines from "A Mom Fights to Get an Education for Her Deaf Daughters" by Kate Petcosky-Kulkarni, a Pulitzer Center reporting project "Ready or not, here I come." "Where are you?" I shrink down even more

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    Gone By Sarah Tumblin6th grade, DC International School, DC With lines from "How Climate Change is Affecting Iran" by Claire Potter and Ako Salemi Forced to move awaywith nowhere to escape from the dry desert.A problem you never thought would reach you yetits fingers seem to graze by your home

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    Projetos e Histórias

    Jornalismo da floresta tropical de todo o mundo O Rainforest Journalism Fund fornece apoio crítico para reportagens das regiões de floresta tropical da Amazônia, Bacia do Congo e Sudeste Asiático, com foco especial na construção de capacidade local de reportagem. Perguntas sobre o Rainforest

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    Proyek & Artikel

    Proyek dan Cerita Amazon Rainforest Rainforest Journalism Fund memberikan dukungan penting untuk pelaporan dari Amazon, Congo Basin, dan kawasan hutan hujan Asia Tenggara, dengan fokus khusus pada pengembangan kapasitas pelaporan lokal. Pertanyaan tentang Dana Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan? Hubungi

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    Projets et Articles

    Projets et articles Amazon Rainforest Le Rainforest Journalism Fund fournit un soutien essentiel pour les reportages dans les régions de la forêt tropicale de l'Amazonie, du bassin du Congo et de l'Asie du Sud-Est, avec un accent particulier sur le renforcement des capacités locales de production de

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    Proyectos e historias

    Periodismo ambiental de alrededor del mundo El Rainforest Journalism Fund ofrece un apoyo fundamental para periodismo ambiental en las regiones de la Cuenca Amazónica, la Cuenca del Congo, y el Sudeste Asiático, con un enfoque especial en desarrollo de capacidad para el periodismo local y regional

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    Projects & Stories

    Rainforest Journalism From Around the Globe The Rainforest Journalism Fund's work provided critical support for reporting in the region with a special focus on building local reporting capacity. The Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant . Browse

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    Panggilan Proposal Khusus: Keanekaragaman Hayati di Hutan Tropis

    Keanekaragaman Hayati di Hutan Tropis Keanekaragaman hayati (kehati) hutan adalah semua bentuk kehidupan yang ditemukan dalam kawasan berhutan dan peran ekologis yang mereka jalankan. Kehati bukan hanya pohon tetapi berbagai macam tumbuhan, satwa dan organisme mikro yang menghuni kawasan hutan – dan

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    Special Call for Proposals: Biodiversity in the Tropical Forests

    Biodiversity in the Tropical Forests Forest biological diversity refers to all life forms found within forested areas and the ecological roles they perform. It encompasses not just trees, but the multitude of plants, animals and microorganisms that inhabit forest areas - and their associated genetic

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    Becas de monitoreo de algoritmos

    Las becas monitoreo de algoritmos buscan apoyar a periodistas de planta y freelance interesados en historias en profundidad que examinen los usos de tecnologías de predicción y vigilancia por parte de la policía, la medicina, los servicios sociales, el sistema de justicia penal, las contrataciones

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    Appel spécial à propositions: Collaboration dans la région du Bassin du Congo

    Le Bassin du Congo abrite la deuxième plus vaste forêt tropicale du monde après l'Amazonie. Ces forêts jouent un rôle capital, notamment, dans le ralentissement du réchauffement climatique, l’alimentation et les moyens de subsistance des populations riveraines, la pharmacopée traditionnelle, la

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    Special Call for Proposals: Collaboration in the Congo Basin Region

    The Congo Basin is home to the second-largest tropical forest in the world after the Amazon. These forests play a vital role in slowing global warming, providing food and livelihoods to local populations, serving as resources for traditional medicines, supplying drinking water, and many other key

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    任何拥有攸关公共利益的敏感信息的吹哨人,现在可以通过一个安全与保密的方式,与普利策中心的雨林调查网络(Rainforest Investigations Network)的编辑与记者,分享情报、文件与数据。 Read in English | Leer en español | Ler em português | Lir en français | Dalam bahasa Indonesia 雨林调查网络是一个由全球各地的优秀记者所组成的调查报道网络,致力于揭发三个热带雨林区域,即亚马逊、刚果盆地和东南亚地区所发生的大规模森林砍伐活动,以及背后的根本原因和主要推手。

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    Berbagi informasi dengan Jaringan Investigasi Hutan Hujan Pulitzer Center

    Bagi para pelapor tindak pidana dan mereka yang memiliki informasi sensitif bagi kepentingan publik kini dapat dengan aman dan rahasia berbagi info, dokumen, dan data dengan para editor dan jurnalis di Jaringan Investigasi Hutan Hujan Pulitzer Center. Read in English | Leer en español | Ler em

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    Teacher Fellowship

    How can engagement with underreported global news stories support existing curricula, while also preparing students to engage curiously, critically, and empathetically with the world? The Pulitzer Center Teacher Fellowship is a paid, virtual program that connects a small cohort of educators with