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    Anúncio do Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 de setembro de 2018 O Pulitzer Center tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Rainforest Journalism Fund, uma iniciativa de cinco anos de US$ 5,5 milhões com foco na conscientização pública sobre as questões ambientais urgentes enfrentadas pelas florestas tropicais do mundo

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    Mengumumkan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 September 2018 Pulitzer Center mengumumkan telah meluncurkan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan, sebuah inisiatif yang memberikan perhatian kepada meningkatnya kesadaran publik atas isu-isu lingkungan mendesak yang dihadapi oleh hutan hujan di dunia. Total dana hibah ini adalah

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    Annonce du Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 septembre 2018 Le Pulitzer Center est heureux d'annoncer le lancement du Rainforest Journalism Fund, une initiative financée à hauteur de 5,5 millions de dollars sur une période de cinq ans, qui vise à sensibiliser le public aux problèmes environnementaux urgents auxquels sont

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    Anunciando al Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 de Septiembre de 2018 El Pulitzer Center se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), una iniciativa de cinco años y US$ 5.5 millones enfocada en aumentar la conciencia pública sobre los problemas ambientales urgentes que enfrentan las selvas

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    Announcing the Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September 12, 2018 The Pulitzer Center is pleased to announce the launch of the Rainforest Journalism Fund, a five-year, $5.5 million initiative focused on raising public awareness of the urgent environmental issues facing the world’s tropical forests. Supported by a grant from

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    Brandon Charite, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "How Qatar's New Cool-Tech Gear Helps Workers in Extreme Heat" by Aryn Baker, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Ron DeSantis, In the United States, our state of Florida is known for being hot and humid. This leads to heat-related injuries and a rising

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    Tameem Zaidat, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "In Small Alaska City, Native Women Say Police Ignored Rapes" by Victoria Mckenzie and Wong Maye-E, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib, Issues revolving around Native American women and their increased risks of sexual and

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    Política de Salvaguarda do Pulitzer Center

    O objetivo dessa política é estabelecer padrões referentes à responsabilidade do Pulitzer Center de assegurar que seus programas, cultura e práticas respeitem os direitos e a dignidade das pessoas com as quais a organização entra em contato — especialmente crianças e adultos em situação de risco —

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    Kebijakan Pengamanan Pulitzer Center

    Tujuan dari kebijakan ini adalah untuk menetapkan standar mengenai tanggung jawab Pulitzer Center untuk memastikan budaya, program, dan praktiknya menghormati hak dan martabat orang-orang yang berhubungan dengan organisasi—terutama anak-anak dan orang dewasa berisiko—untuk hidup bebas dari bahaya

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    Politique de protection du Centre Pulitzer

    La présente politique vise à établir des normes concernant la responsabilité du Centre Pulitzer afin de s’assurer que sa culture, ses programmes et ses pratiques respectent les droits et la dignité des personnes avec lesquelles l’organisation est en contact, en particulier les enfants et les adultes

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    Política de protección del Centro Pulitzer

    El propósito de esta política es establecer estándares en relación a la responsabilidad del Centro Pulitzer de garantizar que su cultura, programas y prácticas respeten los derechos y la dignidad de las personas con las que la organización entra en contacto —especialmente niños y adultos en

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    Pulitzer Center Safeguarding Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to set standards regarding the Pulitzer Center’s responsibility to ensure its culture, programs, and practices respect the rights and dignity of the people with whom the organization comes into contact—especially children and adults at risk—to live free from harm and

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    Maja Szpunar, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letters features reporting from "Most of Us in Hampton Roads Rent Our Homes, but We Still Want the American Dream of Owning" by Mechelle Hankerson, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Gabe Johnson, The cost of housing continues to rise in many areas. People who were once stable living in

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    Jackson Morris, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “The Friendliest Small Town in America” by Curtis Franklin, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Representative Guest, I recently watched a documentary called “The Friendliest Small Town in America” about the Murray State University coach, attorney, Marine veteran

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    Tristan O'Donnell, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “‘The Talk’: These Rural Teens From Utah Are Filling ‘The Gaps’ in Sex Ed” by Becky Jacobs and Jesse Ryan, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Chuck Edwards, Rates of sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. have increased for the third year in a row. This

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    Lacey Kennedy, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "How a Local Food Bank Is Feeding the People and Serving the Culture of New Orleans" by Dylan Ortiz, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton, My name is Lacey Kennedy and I am a junior at Dominion High School. In my International

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    Harper Mitchell, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “Do You Live Close Enough to a Small U.S. Airport To Have Lead Exposure? Check Our Maps” by Michael Coren, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Senator Thom Tillis, Lead isn’t a problem anymore, right? That is exactly what I thought until I read the Pulitzer

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    Mendaftar untuk Bergabung dengan Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Jaringan investigasi ini akan membentuk ekosistem kolaboratif bagi para jurnalis di seluruh dunia. Bersama-sama, mereka akan mengungkap praktik-praktik industri perikanan dan industri ekstraktif yang merusak dan ilegal, ancaman sistemik terhadap keanekaragaman hayati laut dan masyarakat pesisir