Brian Munoz
Brian Munoz is a freelance multimedia journalist and visual storyteller based in southern Illinois. He is a graduate from Southern Illinois University Carbondale where he received his degree in journalism.
Munoz was named a 2019 ProPublica Emerging Reporter and is a former Pulitzer Center grantee, where he examined the intersection of education and mental health on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in rural South Dakota. He also is a contributor to "Taken," a collaborative investigation on civil asset forfeiture supported by the Pulitzer Center.
His work has been recognized by organizations such as the National Press Photographers Association, the Hearst Journalism Awards, the Illinois College Press Association and the Associated College Press.
Munoz is a member of the NPPA, the Eddie Adams XXXI class, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and Investigative Reporters and Editors. His work has appeared in regional and national publications such as The New York Times, USA Today, The Atlantic, CNN, Thomson Reuters and The Southern Illinoisan.