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Starting the Conversation: Talking About Youth Mental Health

Event Date:

May 30, 2023 | 6:30 PM TO 7:30 PM EDT
Conversations with Sydney

This podcast explores ways for families, schools, and communities to respond to teen mental health...

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Join the Pulitzer Center on Tuesday, May 30, 6:30-7:30pm EDT for a virtual conversation about why it's so important to open up a dialogue about youth mental health and suicide prevention in our homes, schools, and communities, and how to get started. This virtual event is designed for educators and all those working closely with youth.

This event features non-binary teenager and artist Sydney Fink and their father, journalist Micah Fink. Together, they created "Conversations With Sydney," a new podcast on which they discuss their own experiences talking about mental health, explore solutions, and interview teens, researchers, and leading mental health experts. Sydney and Micah will be joined by mental health professionals Dr. Laura Erickson-Schroth, Chief Medical Officer at the Jed Foundation, and Dr. Charcelor (Chase) McCullum, who has experience as a lead school psychologist and a district-level administrator for Special Education and Whole Child Education.

Participants are invited to engage with the podcast and reflect on their own knowledge, feelings, and questions about youth mental health by using this listening guide for educators. You can also share your questions about youth mental health and suicide prevention, as well as additional resources, at this link.

Register for the Zoom webinar here!


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Health Inequities

Health Inequities
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Children and Youth

Children and Youth
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Mental Health

Mental Health