Even as public health workers still battle the transmission of Ebola in West Africa, experts have begun to gather a range of lessons learned from this outbreak. Pulitzer Center-supported journalists Carl Gierstorfer and Erika Check Hayden join several of those experts to present their Ebola reporting on Thursday, September 17, as part of the annual Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health-Pulitzer Center Symposium.
Panelists in addition to Gierstorfer and Hayden are Tolbert Nyenswah, a Liberian deputy minister of health and a graduate of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, David Peters, chair of the school's Department of International Health, and Justin Lessler, assistant professor in Epidemiology at the Bloomberg School.
Nyenswah, MPH '12, Liberia's deputy minister of health at the Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Control, coordinated his country's response to the Ebola epidemic in the face of health worker shortages, inadequate health infrastructure, misinformation and distrust of health providers. Peters, an expert in the development of health systems, led a Hopkins team that traveled to Liberia during the outbreak to provide health officials with technical support in controlling the epidemic. Lastly, faculty member Justin Lesser has researched the public health fallout from the disruption of health services in Ebola-affected countries. One prediction: 100,000 additional measles cases and 16,000 more deaths.
Registration is requested for this free symposium.
Thursday, September 17, 2015 12:00pm-2:00pm Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health NEW LOCATION: Sommer Hall 615 N Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD 21205
Remember to register at: https://learning-from-ebola-reflections-from-the-frontline.eventbrite.com
Didn't get a seat in time? Join us through our live webcast here.

A documentary by Carl Gierstorfer follows one community’s fight for survival against Ebola through...