Lesson Plan July 12, 2018
Teaching Feminism in the World's Poorest Classrooms [10 minute read + lesson ideas]
Today's Under-reported Fact:
At least 54% of girls in India's rural Uttar Pradesh region are married before the age of 18.
Introducing the Resource:
Read "The Case for Teaching Girls Feminism in the World's Poorest Classrooms." For a quicker version (approx. 10 minutes), students can read in two groups.
Group 1: Intro
Group 2: From "Human Rights as Education" through end
Students with more time may wish to explore the longform version, "How a School for Poor Girls Cracked the Patriarchy in a Rural Indian Town" (approx. 20 minutes).
Discussion Questions:
- What barriers to getting an education do girls in Uttar Pradesh face? How does the Pardada Pardadi school help?
- What does feminism mean to you?
- Is access to education opportunities unequal in your community? How so? What solutions can you think of?
Activity Ideas:
Option 1. Come up with a recommendation for how your school could expand on efforts to empower young women and/or other marginalized people in your school community. After everyone has presented their recommendations, hold a class vote to choose one to pursue. Then, devise a plan to implement it.
Option 2. Every week on the @pulitzercenter Instagram, one of our grantees takes over the feed to post a different photo from their reporting each day. Examine the following photos posted by Annalisa Merelli during her Instagram takeover, during which she posted behind-the-scenes images from her "Teaching Feminism" project. Choose two photos and read their captions. Write a short reflection comparing and contrasting your own experience with the experience you see.