Pre-workshop Check In:
Number your post it from 1 to 5. Write your responses to the following questions:
Warm up:
1) Turn and talk: What global issues do you hope to explore with your students this year?
Introducing the Pulitzer Center: Our Mission and What We Do
Our goals for today:
Teachers will...
1) Learn about the Pulitzer Center and its education resources
2) Meet with a professional journalist and engage in her reporting through discussion and a Q&A
3) Reflect on how they can globalize their own curriculums using Pulitzer Center resources
4) Explore the Lesson Builder and start a lesson plan that uses Pulitzer Center journalism
Introducing Kara Andrade and her project "Mexico: Technology, Civic Participation and Accountability"
1) Engaging with the themes
2) Skype with Kara
- What did you report?
- How did you report it?
Introducing Pulitzer Center education programs:
1) Programming
2) Questions
Steps for Exploring the Lesson Builder:
1) Go to
2) Create an account
3) Browse a model lesson and select one to adapt by clicking "Use this lesson" and then "modify this lesson"
4) Create your own short lesson plan idea by doing the following:
- Click "Create Lesson"
- Create a working title for your lesson
- Search for Resources
- Write in student instructions
On a separate sheet of paper, write your responses to the following questions:
1) On a scale of 1 to 4, how easy was it to use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder? (1-very difficult to 4-very easy)
2) What elements of the Lesson Builder did you find the most useful?
3) What was challenging/frustrating about using the Lesson Builder?
4) On a scale of 1 to 4, how likely are you to use the Lesson Builder to write lessons and units for your classes next year (1-not likely to 4-very likely)
5) On a scale of 1 to 4, how likely are you to use the Lesson Builder to look for completed lesson plans that you can use or adapt? (0-not likely to 4-very likely)
6) What did you enjoy and learn from today's workshop?
7) What would you change about today's workshop?
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Please stay in touch!