Lesson Plan August 7, 2015
Families of Domestic Workers from the Philippines
Questions for "Phillipines: Missing Their Parents"
- What are Maryknoll’s responsibilities in her family?
- What is the impact of Maryknoll’s responsibilities on her life?
- What two historical events led to increased family responsibilities for young women?
- How many children are estimated to have parents working abroad?
- How does the author structure the article? What are the major themes and how are they ordered?
- What do you think is the author’s purpose for this article?
Questions for "The Sisterhood of Filipino Nannies
- How does the article begin? What is the tone?
- How many Filipinos are estimated to be working in Dubai?
- What challenges were Nida’s sisters facing in the Phillipines before they decided to leave?
- What challenges do the sisters face in Dubai?
- How does the article end? What is the tone?
- What do you think is the author’s purpose for writing this article? Why?

Students will be able to analyze the impact of how an author orders the information in two articles about domestic workers from the Philippines in order to determine the author's purpose
How would you order the article?
1. Imagine that you are writing an article about stress among students at their school. Who would you like your audience to be for the article? (administrators, your city, other students)
2. Ordering information exercise: If you have the following elements for their article what order would you choose to present them in and why? If you were to change the order, what would be the impact? (Place the order number into the line)
i. An interview with a student that has been dealing with severe stress at school____
ii. Statistics about stress in schools and how it relates to other health issues____
iii. An interview with a parent/school counselor about students dealing with stress at school____
iv. A narrative describing a student struggling with stress at school.____
v. Statistics about stress in schools globally. _____
3. Create your order and then share with class to discuss the impact of ordering the article in different ways.
4. Consider: Would your order change if your intended audience changed? How?
Introducing the Lesson:
Today's lesson will analyze the order of two articles by the same author and how the orders of the articles reflect the author's purpose for writing the articles. The articles we will look at today were written by Ana P. Santos, a journalist studying the lives of migrant workers from the Philippines, a country in Southeast Asia. A migrant worker is a person that moves from place to place in order to work.
Introducing Resource 1: "Philippines: Missing their parents"
1. Read the following article and answer the attached questions.
2. As you read, track how the author orders information by taking note of when the author changes subjects.
3. After reading the article, discuss the questions with a partner or your class. Together, determine the author's purpose for this article and how the order contributed to communicating that purpose.
4. Optional: View the video that accompanies the article. Consider what additional information the film provides and what information it chooses to exclude.
- Does the film have the same purpose as the article? How is it structured differently?
Introducing Resource 2: "The Sisterhood of Filipino Nannies"
1. This article also addresses the issue of Filipino women working in other countries, but from a different perspective.
2. Read the article and answer the attached questions.
3. As you did with Resource 1, track how the author chooses to structure the piece by noticing when the subject changes.
4. After reading the article, discuss the questions with a partner or your class. Together, determine the author's purpose for this article and how the order contributed to communicating that purpose.
5. Optional: View the accompanying video starting at minute 5:45.
Compare the two articles. Consider the following on your own, or discuss in pairs/as a class.
- How do the articles start differently?
- What are differences in the structures of the two articles?
- When are the articles alike?
In this lesson, students evaluate the impact of how an author orders the information by analyzing two articles about the impact of Filipino women leaving their countries to work as domestic workers in the Middle East.
Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them.
Note: In addition to independent investigation of the attached resources, this lesson includes warm up and reflection exercises that are designed to be facilitated in small groups or by the instructor. However, the student instructions for this lesson can be adapted if students will be exploring these resources independently.