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Pulitzer Center Update July 23, 2018

Science Magazine and PBS NewsHour Exhibition Featured at 2018 International AIDS Conference

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Tools are now available to prevent and treat HIV infections, but Russia, Nigeria and the U.S. state...

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A segment of the Science Magazine and PBS NewsHour "Far From Over" exhibit at the 2018 International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. Image courtesy of Jon Cohen. The Netherlands, 2018.
A segment of the Science Magazine and PBS NewsHour 'Far From Over' exhibit at the 2018 International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. Image courtesy of Jon Cohen. The Netherlands, 2018.

"Far From Over," a photo and video exhibition featuring work on HIV/AIDS by Pulitzer Center grantees, is now showing at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. Science magazine and the PBS NewsHour collaborated on this project, supported by the Pulitzer Center, which was featured in the June 15, 2018 issue of Science and in five related segments broadcast by the PBS NewsHour that week.

Here is the official description of the exhibition:

So many powerful tools now exist to thwart HIV transmission and prevent people living with the virus from developing AIDS that the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS is spearheading a campaign to end the epidemic by 2030. Many places have made significant steps toward that ambitious goal by aggressively trying to find and treat all HIV-infected people, offering people who inject drugs clean needles and opiate substitutes, designing programs for ostracized communities like men who have sex with men and sex workers, and promoting pre-exposure prophylaxis for those who test negative and are facing substantial risks of becoming infected. But in all too many places in the world, ending AIDS remains more aspiration than reality. In Science magazine, staff writer Jon Cohen, working with photographer Misha Friedman, documented the struggles taking place in three unconnected places to address their HIV/AIDS epidemics: Nigeria, Russia, and Florida in the United States. PBS NewsHour correspondent William Brangham and producer Jason Kane created a companion five-part series that can be seen on monitors that flank Friedman's photos here. The aim of the project was not to shame these places, but instead to highlight the people at the front who recognize the serious problems they are facing and are attempting to improve their responses. The bottom line is that given the scientific, social, financial, and political progress that the HIV/AIDS community has achieved, we should not be seeing the dire plights faced by many of the people featured here. But their stories are a reality check that the AIDS epidemic indeed is far from over. 

"Far From Over" will run at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam through July 27, 2018. 


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