Pulitzer Center Update June 1, 2022
Pulitzer Center Announces First Cohort of AI Accountability Fellows
The Artificial Intelligence Accountability Network, the Pulitzer Center's new initiative to support and bring together journalists reporting on AI and with AI, has selected its first cohort of AI Accountability Fellows. Ten journalists based in four continents will spend the next eight months investigating the impact of AI technologies in their communities. The Fellows will report from Argentina, Brazil, Greece, India, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, and the U.S.
The reporting projects proposed by the selected journalists touch on themes crucial to equity and human rights, such as AI in hiring, surveillance, social welfare, policing, migration, and border control. The projects combine algorithm auditing, cross-border collaborations, data reporting, creative visual approaches, and traditional shoe-leather reporting.
Several of the Fellows will work in partnership with universities, research centers, law clinics, and data specialists. The stories will be published in global and local media.
“We are blown away by the ambition of the projects and the innovative and thoughtful reporting methods proposed by this diverse cohort,” said Marina Walker Guevara, the Pulitzer Center’s executive editor. “We believe these projects will become invaluable blueprints for other journalists and will help democratize AI reporting around the world.”
Through the AI Accountability Network, the Pulitzer Center seeks to address the knowledge imbalance on artificial intelligence that exists in the journalism industry, especially at the local level, and to build the capacity of journalists to report on this fast-evolving and underreported topic with skill, nuance, and impact.
The 2022 AI Accountability Fellows are:
- Ann Babe (United States)
- Arijit Douglas Sen (United States)
- Gabriel Geiger (Netherlands, Spain, Germany, France, Denmark)
- Hilke Schellmann (United States)
- Karen Naundorf (Argentina, Brazil)
- Sarah Pabst (Argentina, Brazil)
- Kumar Sambhav (India)
- Lam Thuy Vo (United States)
- Lydia Emmanouilidou (Greece, United States)
- Varsha Bansal (India)
The AI Accountability Network is funded with the support of the Open Society Foundations (OSF).
If you are a journalist or editor interested in joining this network, please visit our AI Accountability Network page for more information or email [email protected].