The short-form documentary To the Plate has been selected for the prestigious 2021 March on Washington Film Festival and shortlisted in the Documentary Emerging Category. It will screen virtually until October 11, 2021. Film directors Gopika Ajay and Annick Laurent, 2021 Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows from Columbia Journalism School, will be panelists for the festival's Emerging Filmmaker Roundtable on October 2, 2021 at 11:30 am ET.
To the Plate follows restaurateur Moonlynn Tsai and her romantic partner Yin Chang as they find a way to support local businesses and help East Asian seniors. The couple started the mutual aid initiative, Heart of Dinner, after hearing elders were being targeted for hate crimes and struggling with food insecurity. Since April 2020, they've prepared and delivered thousands of hot meals and care packages to senior citizens whose pantries were emptying. Through their work, this documentary shows the response of the younger generation to the global pandemic and the dramatic surge in anti-Asian violence. Most of all, this film is about resilience and care in moments of uncertainty.
Registration for and more information about the events are available on the festival's website.