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Story Publication logo June 16, 2021

Pandumaan-Sipituhuta Community Treats and Restores Indigenous Forests (bahasa Indonesia)


Aerial view over Toba Lake, North Sumatra. Image courtesy of Shutterstock. Indonesia, date unknown.

Hundreds of families have begun to restore customary forest.


Image by Barita News Lumbanbatu/Mongabay Indonesia. Indonesia, 2021.

The story excerpt and photo captions below were translated from bahasa Indonesia. To read the original story in full, visit Mongabay Indonesia. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website here. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

That day Ganjang entered the frankincense forest carrying a long machete with a scabbard tied to the left side of his waist. Before entering the forest, there is a vast area of empty land. "That land is still being managed. I want to grow coffee there," he said.

Ganjang lives in the traditional community of Pandumaan-Sipituhuta in Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

Entering the frankincense forest, one passes the area of ​​the PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) timber company in Tele District.

Getah kemenyan. Foto: Barita News Lumbanbatu/ Mongabay Indonesia
Incense rubber. Image by Barita News Lumbanbatu/Mongabay Indonesia. Indonesia, 2021.
Andaliman, yang ditemukan tumbuh di dekat pohon kemenyan. Foto: Barita News Lumbanbatu/ Mongabay Indonesia
Andaliman, which was found growing near the frankincense tree. Image by Barita News Lumbanbatu/Mongabay Indonesia. Indonesia, 2021.
Rusmedia Lumbangaol sedang memetik biji kopi di kebunnya. Foto: Barita News Lumbanbatu/ Mongabay Indonesia
Rusmedia Lumbangaol picks coffee beans. Image by Barita News Lumbanbatu/Mongabay Indonesia. Indonesia, 2021.

Bentrok keamanan PT TPL dan warga adat Natumingka, 18 Mei lalu menyebabkan 12 warga luka-luka. Foto: Ayat S Karoakro/ Mongabay Indonesia
Security clashes between PT TPL and the Indigenous people of Natumingka last May 18 left 12 residents injured. Image by Ayat S Karoakro/Mongabay Indonesia. Indonesia, 2021.


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