The sun rises over Lake Atitlán. On days when the water is calm, Bernadino Bizarro rises early to fish. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
These boats provide transportation across the lake to and from San Pedro. The fishermen of San Juan la Laguna store their cayucos on the same shoreline. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
Cayucos of the fishermen of San Juan la Laguna line the shore. Fishermen have to stay in when the water is choppy to avoid capsizing. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
The tip of a cayuco overlooks Lake Atitlán on a day when the water is too rough to go out and fish. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
Bernadino Bizarro walks his dog on days when he thinks it's too dangerous to fish. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
This building was once completely above water. Now almost all one can see is the roof. The rising levels of Lake Atitlán have overtaken it. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
Several buildings around Lake Atitlán have been impacted by the rising water levels. Bernadin Bizarros says that trees that help protect the lake from pollution are also now underwater. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
Bernadino Bizarro caught this fish and his wife cooked it for dinner. Bizarro says the size of the fish he catches is decreasing due to increased pollution. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
Sunset on Lake Atitlán: Bernadino Bizarro will be back out fishing in less than 12 hours. Image by Eric Halperin. Guatemala, 2015.
Life on Guatemala's Lake Atitlán is not easy: Local inhabitants are facing rising water levels and a declining fish population. Eric Halperin documents a day in the life of a fisherman.