Progetto Quid is an Italian nonprofit social cooperative, based in Verona, that has made ready-to-wear clothing for women since 2012. Within the female-dominated garment industry, Progetto Quid’s goal is to provide opportunities for women and others who face discrimination in the labor market, including people in recovery, the formerly incarcerated, migrants, and those close to retirement age.
With an eye toward sustainability, Progetto Quid mainly uses excess fabrics that would have otherwise been discarded by other brands. It provides a work schedule convenient for mothers, an on-site welfare officer to help employees with non-work-related things such as finding housing or opening a bank account, and a psychologist.
The following photos provide a behind-the scenes look at slow, ethical fashion from factory to store.
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Progetto Quid’s factory and offices are Nestled down a path on Via Camposanto, in Verona, Italy. Image by Anthony Gonzalez. 2023.
The exterior of Progetto Quid’s office building and creative and design area. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023.
The warehouse holding Progetto Quid’s fabrics. Most of the fabric is either donated by brands that would have otherwise discarded it, or bought at a discounted rate of €1 to 3 (around $1.06 to $3.20 USD) per meter. Progetto Quid said about 5% of its fabric is acquired in a traditional way. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023.
Progetto Quid’s creative and design area. The company’s garment designs are based on the fabrics available to them, including the recovered textiles. Designers begin by creating sample items here. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023. Garment workers in the production site. After sample items have been tested for defects and are ready to be manufactured, workers create the clothing that will soon be for sale in Progetto Quid’s stores and e-commerce site. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023. A mound of white-and-black zebra print fabric before it is turned into garments. Image by Anthony Gonzalez. Italy, 2023.
A garment worker stands in front of a workstation, carrying a bundle of green houndstooth fabric. Image by Anthony Gonzalez. Italy, 2023.
A woman works at a sewing machine to turn plaid fabric into a clothing item. Image by Anthony Gonzalez. Italy, 2023
An array of colorful threads stored in boxes against the back wall of the production site. Image by Anthony Gonzalez. Italy, 2023.
Ready to wear
The exterior of Progetto Quid’s Verona store on Via Rosa. The company has seven retail locations—all in Italy. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023.
The inside of Progetto Quid’s shop. Their clothespin logo is surrounded by decor resembling spools of thread along with signage discussing the company’s values. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023.
The display signs read “second vita” and “nuovi inizi” meaning “second life” and “new beginnings.” These are in reference to the company’s mission of using recovered surplus fabrics for their garments and offering job opportunities to vulnerable people. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023.
Clothing racks filled with Progetto Quid’s eclectic prints. There are signs above the clothes reinforcing the company’s values to customers. One says “TALENTO & FORZA FEMMINILE” (“female talent and strength”). The other sign reads “DIVERSITA & INCLUSIONE” (“diversity and inclusion"). Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023. A rack of clothes with a sale sign for 50% off. The garments can range between € 20 and 150 (around $21.23 to $159.24 USD) full price. With this price range, the company hopes to achieve accessibility for customers to shop ethically. Image by Brittany Klintworth. Italy, 2023.