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    Bénéficiaries de subventions

    Rencontrez les bénéficiaires de subventions RJF pour une audience mondiale

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    Conozca a los becarios del Rainforest Journalism Fund para audiencia global

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    Meet the grantees from the Rainforest Journalism Fund for Global Audiences The Global Audience Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant. The Rainforest Reporting Grant supports and builds capacity for quality, independent journalism in three key

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    The Dream Houses

    The Dream Houses By Taylor Fang11th grade, Logan High School, UT With lines from "The Dream Homes of Guatemalan Migrants" by Jonathan Blitzer, a Pulitzer Center reporting project In this country of thunderand green fruit, there are more housesthan people.In this countryof maps, every pathleads away

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    Dining on Paradox

    Dining on Paradox By Audrey Dinh5th grade, Cold Spring Elementary School, MD 3rd place contest winner With lines from "Our Fish" by Michael Snyder and Felipe Luna, a Pulitzer Center reporting project I am dining on paradox,Both a plague and a blessing. Paiche. A giant, invasive fish,And yet this

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    The Joy of Togetherness

    The Joy of Togetherness By Taylor Jamie Yarns11th grade, City Honors School, NY 1st place contest winner With lines from "Let's Make It Easier for Kids to Visit Incarcerated Parents" by Jaime Joyce, a Pulitzer Center reporting project I sit in a classroom of 2.7 million future tragedies.Boys that

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    Bag of Bones

    Bag of Bones By Kristen St Louis10th grade, Ethel Walker School, CT With lines from "Families of Colombia's Disappeared Endure 'Never-Ending Grief' and a Wrenching Search" by Nadja Drost and Bruno Federico, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Most nights, the alarm clock failsto wake me up before

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    orchids By Emma Lee6th grade, James Weldon Johnson College Preparatory Middle School, FL With lines from "Death on Demand: Has Euthanasia Gone Too Far?" by Christopher de Bellaigue, a Pulitzer Center reporting project I. have you ever seen a flamealmost finished with its candle?a waxy pool of

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    Peace, Pieces

    Peace, Pieces By Cindy Phan11th grade, Skyline High School, UT With lines from "Vietnam's Sad Hunt: 300,000 Missing Souls" by Joseph Babcock, a Pulitzer Center Reporting Project (I ask Vietnam, What do you want?) First, the land.The swamp smileand soft bite of it, the wetkiss of its mouth closed

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    Cholera Laughed

    Cholera Laughed By Eugene Jang10th grade, Gyeonggi Suwon International School, South Korea 2nd place contest winner With lines from "In Yemen, Corruption Worsened World's Worst Cholera Outbreak" by Maggie Michael, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Cholera laughed and spatIn your face when

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    Connected Coastlines Grants

    The Pulitzer Center is seeking applications from journalists who want to report stories as part of Connected Coastlines, a nationwide climate reporting initiative in U.S. coastal states. Started in 2019, this initiative is building a consortium of newsrooms and independent journalists across the U.S

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    Comitê Consultivo

    Conheça o Comitê Consultivo da Floresta Amazônica O Rainforest Journalism Fund visa apoiar e aumentar a capacidade de jornalistas locais, regionais e internacionais que reportam questões relacionadas às florestas tropicais. Uma das três regiões de foco da floresta tropical é a Bacia Amazônica

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    Dewan Penasihat

    Perkenalkan Dewan Penasihat Hutan Hujan Amazon Komite Penasihat RJF Amazon terdiri dari pemimpin di bidang jurnalisme untuk isu hutan hujan tropis. Pada pendiri komite ini merupakan orang-orang pertama yang menggagas ide untuk dana mendukung peliputan hutan hujan di Amazon yang memiliki perspektif

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    Comité consultatif

    Rencontrez le comité consultatif Amazon Rainforest Le comité consultatif du RJF amazonien est composé de journalistes de renom spécialisés dans les questions relatives aux forêts tropicales humides. Les membres fondateurs de ce comité ont été les premiers à envisager un fonds destiné à soutenir le

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    Comité consultivo

    Conozca a los miembros de este comité consultivo El Comité Consultivo del Amazon RJF está compuesto por líderes en periodismo sobre temas relacionados con las selvas tropicales. Los miembros fundadores de este comité fueron los primeros en pensar en un fondo para apoyar el periodismo en la selva

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    Beyond Religion Poetry Contest Winner: Beatrix Stone

    By Beatrix Stone7th grade, Alice Deal Middle School, DC After Eloisa Lopez's photo in "The Filipino Catholic Church in Crisis" by Adam Willis god?God?GOD?FaithThe anchorTo lifeIs broken DeadSo many deadA ladder to the skyCould be craftedof bodiesGOD?FaithIn the nightIs the strongestThe nights of

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    Beyond Religion Poetry Contest Winner: Molly H. Rufus

    By Molly H. Rufus11th grade, Homeschooled, VA After Eloisa Lopez's photo in "The Filipino Catholic Church in Crisis" by Adam Willis So steady in her faith: A nun will stare into a candle, cupping it with her hand against the wind; her face will heat yet she will not melt or bend. We know this world

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    Beyond Religion Poetry Contest Winner: Selam Weimer

    Aljanat fi Alkharab ("Heaven in Ruins") By Selam Weimer11th grade, Woodrow Wilson High School, DC After Moises Saman's photo in "Iraq's Post-ISIS Campaign of Revenge" by Ben Taub Anonymous being runs through the rubble streetThe fog muffles the water in violent silenceHalf demolished staircases