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    The Sparrow's Home

    By Grace C. Zahn 4th grade, Meadowbrook Elementary School, WI With lines from "Squeezing the Marsh” by Michelle Lotker, a Pulitzer Center reporting project The sun shines The plants all sway I fly overhead, water below Moths and flies galore I have a million places to make my nest The high marshes

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    My Birthday Song

    By Lynlee Graves 9th grade, New Tech High @ Coppell, TX With lines from "For Lac du Flambeau, Healing Is Remembering Their Boarding School Experience" by Yvonne Krumrey, a Pulitzer Center reporting project My mother told me I was three years old. And I cried. Because “Mother” “That can’t be true” I

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    War of Shadows

    By Ananya Venkateswaran 8th grade, American Community School of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates With lines from “Ethiopian Feminists on a Mission To Help Sexual Assault Survivors” by Arianne Henry, a Pulitzer Center reporting project She didn’t think it would happen to her; not this, after years of

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    as another day breaks

    By Grace Liang 10th grade, The York School, ON Second place contest winner With lines from "In the Trenches of Ukraine’s Forever War" by James Verini, a Pulitzer Center reporting project near Donbas, a sunflower field splinters beneath billowing smoke. trenchworks slash through the forests—mapping

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    time travel

    By Nicola Rodriguez 11th grade, Bear Creek High School, CO Third place contest winner With lines from “State of Change: Ancient Trees in North Carolina” by Frank Graff, a Pulitzer Center reporting project time travel exists but in my life I have only time

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    Forms of Flesh

    By Evan Li 10th grade, Charlotte Latin School, NC With lines from "The Endless Battle of the Guardians of the Jungle Against the Logging Mafia in the Peruvian Amazon," by Susana Lay and Michael Tweddle, a Pulitzer Center reporting project I. Bark As if trying to bind the forest, The iron chains of

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    One Bullet, One Hundred Sets of Hands

    By Jamar Jackson 10th grade, Kenwood Academy, IL First place contest winner With lines from "One Bullet Can Kill, but It Takes More Than 100 People To Save a Gunshot Victim’s Life” by James Sprankle, Paige Skinner, Kate Bubacz, a Pulitzer Center reporting project August’s summer reminisces of A

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    There Is a Forest

    By Sabrina Wang 6th grade, Worcester Academy, MA With lines from "An Indigenous Village Works To Save a Brazilian Forest, Seed by Seed” by Daniel Grossman and Dado Galdieri, a Pulitzer Center reporting project There is a forest where the grass is knee-high sparkling like emeralds across the muggy

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    To Today’s Confederates

    By Logan Tenner 10th grade, TERRA Environmental Research Institute, FL With lines from "Nearly 100 Confederate Monuments Were Toppled Last Year. What Happened to Them?" by Melissa Lyttle, a Pulitzer Center reporting project You call it heritage; you call it history. We ask, why honor it? Like that’s

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    Inscreva-se para obter um subsídio do Rainforest Journalism Fund O Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), lançado em setembro de 2018, representa um importante investimento em reportagens internacionais sobre clima e meio ambiente. Por meio do Pulitzer Center, o Rainforest Journalism Fund planeja apoiar

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    Ajukan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan (RJF), diluncurkan pada bulan September 2018, merupakan suatu bentuk investasi besar dalam peliputan isu lingkungan hidup dan perubahan iklim skala internasional. Melalui Pulitzer Center, Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan

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    Demander une subvention du Rainforest Journalism Fund Le Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), lancé en Septembre 2018, représente un investissement majeur dans le reporting environnemental et climatique international. Par le biais du Pulitzer Center, le Rainforest Journalism Fund prévoit de soutenir

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    Becas de periodismo

    Becas del Rainforest Journalism Fund El Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), lanzado en septiembre de 2018, representa una importante inversión para el periodismo ambiental y climático internacional. A través del Pulitzer Center, el Rainforest Journalism Fund planea apoyar cerca de 200 proyectos de

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    Apply for a Rainforest Reporting Grant Rainforests play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, regulating climate, and sustaining Indigenous communities. Rainforest reporting helps raise awareness about the importance of these ecosystems and the threats they face. The Rainforest Reporting Grant

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    una grieta en la tierra

    By Daniel Liu 12th grade, Lake Highland Preparatory School, FL With lines from "Broken Land: Confronting Climate Change and Migration in Guatemala" by Jessica Marcy and Amelia Tyson, a Pulitzer Center reporting project. underbelly of the hillside flaxen y árida. con la tierra broken, foreign

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    Symphony of the Sea

    By Annie Reeder 9th grade, New Tech High @ Coppell, TX With lines from "Gray Whales Are Dying Along the Pacific Coast" by Daniel Wolfe, a Pulitzer Center reporting project (The stage is set) Coast alive Bay filled With gray whales playing To the tune of breathing Of puffs of air Breaking the surface

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    Chamada Especial Para Cobrir as Violações à Floresta Amazônica No Vale Do Javari

    O Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund (Amazon RJF) abre um edital emergencial para a cobertura das violações à floresta amazônica no Vale do Javari, no estado do Amazonas, e para acompanhar as buscas pelo jornalista britânico Dom Phillips e pelo indigenista brasileiro Bruno Pereira, caso eles não

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    Convocatoria Especial Para Cubrir Las Violaciones a la Selva Amazónica en Vale Do Javari

    El Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund (Amazon RJF) convocatoria de emergencia para cubrir las violaciones a la selva amazónica en Vale do Javari, en el estado de Amazonas, y para acompañar la búsqueda del periodista británico Dom Phillips y del indigenista brasileño Bruno Pereira, en caso de que no