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    Philmont Scout Ranch 2019 Out of Eden Selection Criteria

    Philmont Scout Ranch Project Overview In early 2013, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek embarked on a reporting mission to walk the same 21,000 mile path that modern humans took from Africa to South America over the course of roughly 50,000 years

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    Resources for Reporting Fellows

    Congratulations, Reporting Fellows! Now that you have received a reporting fellowship, take a look at the videos below. Lots of tips here on what to do next! Stay Connected Join our Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows and Alums Facebook group. Connect with reporting fellow alums from all 35 of our

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    2019 Conference: Beyond Religion

    Each year, the Pulitzer Center's annual conference spotlights some of our best journalism projects in leading news outlets to explore a theme that illuminates the most pressing issues of our time. With our in-depth, prize-winning journalism as the focus, we bring together diverse perspectives on

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    The Colors of Homelessness in Chicago

    The Colors of Homelessness in Chicago By Reema Dhawan and Diego MadrizStudents in the 2018 Genesis Academy Summer Institute in Chicago The Windy City holds winds of diversity. In that diversity, there is discrimination. From one street to the next, there is rich, poor, colored, old, young, man, and

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    Life on the Streets of Chicago

    Life on the Streets of Chicago By Rodin SamnangStudent in the 2018 Genesis Academy Summer Institute in ChicagoMya Zamora contributed reporting to this story Terry Roberts (57), a tall, well-built black man, sat on a wheel chair with his candy box beside him outside the Fourth Presbyterian Church. It

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    The "X" Word Rules the Internet

    The "X" Word Rules the Internet By Nayab Ali and Andrea Pérez FernándezStudents in the 2018 Genesis Academy Summer Institute in Chicago In the year 2016, "xenophobia," discrimination against foreigners, was declared the "word of the year" by (the most-searched word that year). The

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    Victoria Vo, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "Reporter's Diary: Heal Somalia's Former Child Soldiers, Heal a Nation" by Hassan Ghedi Santur Dear Zoe Lofgren, In early February 2009, the Somali Civil War began due to clan conflicts. This war continues to press on into the present. Recently, I have come across

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    Palak Srivastava, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "The New Battle for London's Air" by Rohan Naik Dear Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, My name is Palak Srivastava. I live in Brooklyn and I am a sophomore at Stuyvesant High School. I am writing to you today to share my concern about one of the most critical issues facing us at

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    Comitê Consultivo

    Conheça o Comitê Consultivo de Florestas Tropicais da Bacia do Congo O comitê consultivo do Congo Basin RJF é formado por respeitados jornalistas em questões relacionadas às florestas tropicais que, com seu entendimento crítico dos contextos regionais e locais, ajudam a entender as prioridades e a

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    Dewan Penasihat

    Perkenalkan Dewan Penasihat Hutan Hujan Lemban Congo Komite Penasihat RJF Basin Kongo terdiri dari pemimpin di bidang jurnalisme untuk isu-isu hutan hujan tropis, dan mereka akan membantu menginformasikan prioritas dan arahan dari inisiatif ini berdasarkan pemahaman mereka dalam konteks regional dan

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    Comité consultatif

    Rencontrez le Comité consultatif de la forêt tropicale du bassin du Congo Le Rainforest Journalism Fund vise à appuyer et à renforcer les capacités des journalistes locaux, régionaux et internationaux qui couvrent les questions liées aux forêts tropicales humides. L'une des trois régions de forêt

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    Comité consultivo

    Conozca a los miembros del comité consultivo de la Cuenca del Congo El comité consultivo de la Cuenca del Congo - Congo Basin RJF está compuesto por respetados periodistas en temas relacionados con las selvas tropicales que, con su comprensión crítica de los contextos regionales y locales, ayudan a

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    Media on the Move

    Get the Media on the move widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? ( More info) An overview of the Pulitzer Center model produced for the J-Lab as a Knight Citizen News Network featured module. These learning modules are designed to provide both professional and

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    Appel spécial à propositions: Collaboration dans la région du Bassin du Congo

    Le Bassin du Congo abrite la deuxième plus vaste forêt tropicale du monde après l'Amazonie. Ces forêts jouent un rôle capital, notamment, dans le ralentissement du réchauffement climatique, l’alimentation et les moyens de subsistance des populations riveraines, la pharmacopée traditionnelle, la

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    Special Call for Proposals: Collaboration in the Congo Basin Region

    The Congo Basin is home to the second-largest tropical forest in the world after the Amazon. These forests play a vital role in slowing global warming, providing food and livelihoods to local populations, serving as resources for traditional medicines, supplying drinking water, and many other key

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    Chamada Especial para Propostas: O Impacto das Eleições no Brasil Sobre a Amazônia

    A eleição brasileira será o grande evento na Amazônia em 2022. Com 60% da Amazônia em seu território, as decisões políticas lideradas pelo atual Legislativo e o Executivo brasileiros podem agravar o avanço de atividades ilegais sobre áreas protegidas e contra os povos da floresta. A pressão sobre a

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    Convocatoria Especial de Propuestas: El Impacto de las Elecciones Brasileñas en la Amazonia

    Las elecciones brasileñas serán el gran acontecimiento de la Amazonia en 2022. Con el 60% de la Amazonia en territorio brasileño, las decisiones políticas dirigidas por los actuales poderes legislativos y ejecutivos brasileños afectarán al avance de las actividades ilegales en las áreas protegidas y

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    Special Call for Proposals: The Impact of Brazilian Elections on the Amazon

    The Brazilian election will be the big event in the Amazon in 2022. With 60% of the Amazon in Brazil’s territory, political decisions led by the current Brazilian legislative and executive powers will affect the advance of illegal activities in protected areas and against rainforest peoples. The