The anchoveta is the most important fishery in Peru and perhaps the most regulated, according to the Peruvian state and the industry. The existence of regulations that provide guidelines for its sustainable use gives the impression that it is the most protected species, but an analysis of the laws reveals that some of them are troubling.
For example, there is a regulation that legalizes juvenile anchoveta fishing above the permitted limit. This is done with the justification that, in exchange for not being sanctioned, the vessels report where the juvenile species are located in order to stop fishing there.
This project analyzes the main regulatory norms for the anchoveta fishery, as well as the lobbies and pressures behind them. It aims to show the aspects that are detrimental to the species, the interests behind these norms, and who ultimately benefits.
The aim is to encourage the revision of the regulations that are harmful, taking into account the need to protect this species, which is transcendental for food security.