With the support of the Pulitzer Center, TIME for Kids presents Home and Away, a two-part series for young readers that explores the humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border. It seeks to answer two essential questions: What compels migrant families to flee their homeland and seek refuge in the United States? And what do children and families experience once they reach the U.S.-Mexico border?
Despite U.S. efforts to stem the tide, migrants continue to make the long and difficult journey. Most are from Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador.
For the first installment of Home and Away, TFK's Jaime Joyce travels to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to give young readers an up-close and personal look at the conditions that motivate children and families to leave their home country. Part two takes readers to San Diego and Tijuana and introduces them to kids their own age living in shelters north and south of the border.
This project is about children, for children. It aims to humanize a difficult topic and help young readers take part in the national conversation about immigration.