Imran Mohammad Fazal Hoque
Imran Mohammad Fazal Hoque is a stateless Rohingya refugee from Myanmar. He is in his third year, majoring in social work and journalism at Buffalo State University of New York.
As a refugee, he made numerous boat journeys to seek safety and was held in many detention centers over the course of seven years. He taught himself to speak and write in English while he was exiled in Australia’s offshore detention center on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea.
Hoque is a writer and human rights activist who has written extensively about his experiences as a stateless Rohingya refugee and those of other asylum seekers and refugees around the world.
He was a student trustee who represented thousands of students from all seven City Colleges of Chicago. He was also the president of the Nu Lambda chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at Truman College.
He is one of the coordinators of the Rohingya Youth Club in Chicago, empowering the younger generation to grow academically. He is also a board member and representative of the Rohingya American Council from New York State.
While continuing his college studies, Hoque has been deeply involved in creating awareness of the lives of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants in the U.S. and abroad.