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Pulitzer Center Visit to Northwestern in Qatar Focuses on Coverage of the Muslim World


Event Date:

November 4, 2013 | 12:00 PM TO 1:30 PM EST

As Syrian Armenians flee their country’s violence to begin new lives in Armenia – a homeland they...

A Libyan Arab fires his Kalashnikov to control the crowd during a Libyan Red Crescent food drop. 'You have to use force,' he told me afterward. 'They are savages.' Image by Ayman Oghanna. Libya, 2011.

Three Pulitzer Center grantee journalists and Senior Editor Tom Hundley visit Northwestern University in Qatar November 3-November 7, for a focus on their reporting from the Muslim world. The visit by Hundley and journalists Alia Malek, Habiba Nosheen, and Ayman Oghanna includes classroom conversations, a community meeting and a screening of "Outlawed in Pakistan," a documentary by Nosheen and Hilke Schellmann.

Each of these journalists will share their reports on human rights issues, revolutions and international dilemmas. Malek's reports share the stories of Syrian Armenians fleeing their country's violence and returning to a homeland they have never known. Nosheen tells the story of a young Pakistani girl who accuses four men of rape and with the help of her family decides to take her case to the Pakistani courts which are notorious for failing women. Oghanna puts into perspective the challenge that Libya faces in attempting to rebuild its toppled government and the revolution's impact on African migrants.

Young Journalists from the Muslim World Report
Monday, November 4
12 pm -1:30 pm
CMU Building Room 3069
Northwestern University in Qatar
Education City-Qatar Foundation

"Outlawed in Pakistan" Screening
Monday, November 4
5:30 pm - 8 pm
CMU Building Room 3069
Northwestern University in Qatar
Education City-Qatar Foundation

The visit is co-sponsored by the Pulitzer Center and Northwestern University in Qatar. The "Outlawed in Pakistan" screening also is hosted by Northwestern Qatar Society of Professional Journalists (NUQ SPJ)


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