Michael Edison Hayden, an American journalist based out of Mumbai, and Sami Siva, a Canadian photographer of Indian origin, present their Pulitzer Center-supported reporting projects to students at the University of Pennsylvania on Thursday, November 5.
Hayden and Siva's reporting delves into India's health care crisis as seen through doctors, government officials, and activists from Mumbai, Delhi and beyond. Together, they have also reported on transgendered women living on the fringes of society and battling an epidemic of HIV/AIDS and on the the communities along the India-Pakistan border affected by a heroin epidemic.
The Campus Consortium partnership between the Middle East Center, South Asia Center and the Pulitzer Center features programming on campus with journalists to foster broader discussions and nuanced analysis of concerns that span disciplines and international student reporting fellowships. Last year's fellows, Priya Ramchandra and Farzana Shah will give an update on their summer reporting projects from India and Iran.
"Public Health and Stigmatization in India"
Thursday, November 5
6:00 pm
University of Pennsylvania
Williams Hall
Room 723
255 S. 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Refreshments provided. RSVP requested via email to: shown[at]sas.upenn.edu
- Document

India's Third Gender
India's transgender women have a documented history dating back to the Kama Sutra, but live on the...

India's Hospital Crisis
Doctors have demanded fixes to India's public hospitals for years, but have been stifled by...