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'Circus Without Borders' at Simmons College

Event Date:

March 21, 2016 | 6:30 PM TO 9:30 PM EDT

In the remote northern reaches of one of the wealthiest countries of the world is an aboriginal...

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Poster for 'Circus Without Borders,' a film produced by Linda Matchan. 2015.

The Circus Without Borders filmmakers and performers visit Simmons College on Monday, March 21, 2016, for a screening, performance and discussion. The stop is part of a week-long visit to Boston-area schools and universities.

Filmmakers Susan Gray and Linda Matchan join Guillaume Saladin from ArtCirq and Yamoussa Bangoura from Kalabante. Pulitzer Center Education Director Mark Schulte introduces the program at Simmons College.

Circus Without Borders follows Saladin and Bangoura and the communities where they grew up—one in the Canadian Arctic where children are facing depression and suicide at a rate 10 times higher than the Canadian national average, and the other in Guinea, West Africa, where Guinean children deal with crippling poverty and few ways to improve their life.

Their aim through the respective troupes: to transform their communities and inspire hope through acrobatics and art.

Monday, March 21, 2016
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Simmons College
Main College Building
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115