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American Pipe Dream: Natural Gas and Its Health Impacts in the United States

Event Date:

August 13, 2024 | 12:00 PM TO 1:00 PM EDT
A ship in a foggy harbor

The Gulf Coast is the epicenter for exporting liquefied natural gas around the world.

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Multiple Authors

Part of the "Fuel, Foul Air, and Fallout: The Health Tolls of Energy and Defense in the United States" webinar series

In 2014, fracked natural gas was the so-called energy bridge to the green future. Natural gas powers 43% of the United States’ power grid as of 2023. And liquified natural gas (LNG), stored at ultra-low temperatures for transport, is now one of the United States’ largest exports. As this bridge to the future lengthens, Americans who live near fracking and export sites are confronting adverse health effects and climate impacts.

Hear from panelists in a webinar on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, about the gas boom in the U.S. Gulf Coast and Appalachia: Who is affected? Who is responsible? How did we get here? And what are the stakes for our future?

Pulitzer Center Senior Editor Steve Sapienza will moderate the discussion. Registration is required


  • Carlyle Calhoun is the managing producer of WWNO/WRKF's podcast Sea Change. Before joining WWNO in New Orleans, she produced documentary films and audio documentaries focused on environmental issues. Calhoun began her career as a photographer at the Jackson Hole News & Guide and the Wilmington Star-News before moving to the Balkans, where she worked as a freelance photographer.
  • Quinn Glabicki is a reporter and photographer covering climate and environment for PublicSource. Born and raised in the Rust Belt, Glabicki's long-term work focuses on communities impacted by climate change and the footprint of industry in Appalachia.


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