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The '1619' Impact Showcase: Sankofa in Practice | Teaching History and Shaping Futures

Event Date:

December 14, 2024 | 12:30 PM TO 6:00 PM EST
Artwork by Adam Pendleton in The 1619 Project, page 15. 2019.

The Pulitzer Center is proud to partner with The New York Times Magazine on The 1619 Project to...

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On December 14, 2024, the Pulitzer Center will host the 1619 Impact Showcase. This event, featuring the Center’s 1619 Impact grantees, will offer participants working in a variety of education contexts the opportunity to learn from 1619 Education Program partners transforming programs and communities across the United States by utilizing and building on The 1619 Project and its themes. 

Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the panels and presentations most relevant to their work through curated Showcase presentations. Whether you are a classroom teacher, administrator, out-of-school-time educator, or teacher development program, this is an event for you. 

The Showcase theme is “Teaching History and Shaping Futures.” Essential questions will include:

  • How are educators making meaning of The 1619 Project’s content and themes in the context of their local communities?
  • How can educators build empathy and community through engagement with The 1619 Project?
  • How can educators equip learners to take action and make change that advances racial justice?
  • What is the sustained impact of uncovering, interrogating, and redefining community histories in affirming and unifying ways?

The event is free to attend and open to all. We hope to see you there!


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Racial Justice

Racial Justice