Resource May 8, 2017

Meet the Journalist: Howard W. French


A workday street scene from the "Central" neighborhood, in Hong Kong, which was the scene of unprecedented anti-government protests in 2014. Image by Howard W. French. China, 2017.

Why, despite growing vastly richer and steadily more powerful over the last generation, has China...

Howard W. French.

In 1997, under an arrangement known as One Country, Two Systems, Hong Kong was restored to Chinese sovereignty, ending longstanding British colonial rule over the city. Since a series of major protests erupted in 2014 over local opposition to perceived interference by Beijing in the city's affairs, Hong Kong has experienced near-constant tensions with China. Natives of the city have complained that Beijing has failed to live up to its pledge to allow Hong Kong's broad autonomy in self-government to continue. Far from backing down, China, fearing the growth of pro-autonomy voices and even of people advocating outright independence for the city, has sought ways to enhance its control over Hong Kong politics. This video packages what he found.


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