Education Resource
Behind the Story: U.S. Special Forces in Africa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uJmXtKOlss United States Special Operations forces are the U.S...
Officially, the United States has one military base in Africa. But extensive reporting has revealed...
New Cold War
An examination of the ongoing geopolitical transformation of the Arctic along the old Cold War...
This is a painting lesson that combines Pablo Picasso's famous 1937 Guernica with current day issues presented from The Pulitzer Center.
This is a painting lesson that combines Pablo Picasso's famous 1937 "Guernica" with current day issues presented by the Pulitzer Center.
This is a painting lesson that combines Pablo Picasso's famous 1937 Guernica with current day issues presented by the Pulitzer Center.
Lesson Plans
Museum of Current Crises
This lesson plan outlines a project that allows students the opportunity to connect with a contemporary crisis somewhere in the world.