Lesson Plans
Climate Change and Its Impact on Natural Habitats
Students read about the impacts of coral bleaching on ocean ecosystems.
This is a painting lesson that combines Pablo Picasso's famous 1937 Guernica with current day issues presented from The Pulitzer Center.
This is a painting lesson that combines Pablo Picasso's famous 1937 "Guernica" with current day issues presented by the Pulitzer Center.
This is a painting lesson that combines Pablo Picasso's famous 1937 Guernica with current day issues presented by the Pulitzer Center.
Lesson Plans
Museum of Current Crises
This lesson plan outlines a project that allows students the opportunity to connect with a contemporary crisis somewhere in the world.
Education Resource
Nick Miroff on the Drug War Spillover in Central America
For the last four months, Pulitzer Center grantee Nick Miroff has been reporting on the spillover...