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Pulitzer Center Update July 5, 2013

World Premiere of "The Abominable Crime" Generates Positive Reviews



Jamaica has the reputation of being one of the most violently anti-gay countries on earth. Male...

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Simone and Khayla Edwards in Jamaica. Image by Common Good Productions. Jamaica, 2013.

In "The Abominable Crime," producer and director Micah Fink presents an eye-opening story of homophobia in Jamaica, told by a lesbian mother escaping violence and a gay activist who has to choose between his country and his safety when his marriage to a Canadian man is revealed. Since the world premiere on June 25 at Frameline37--San Francisco's International LGBT film festival--the documentary has received positive reviews in the media and from the general public.

The film is forcing its viewers to listen, question, and act. Filmbalaya, which covers the main film festivals in and around San Francisco and the Bay area, encourages others to watch "The Abominable Crime" and consider their actions. In his post, Adam Cuttler writes: "this is an important subject, and one I hope everyone gets to see, especially those who think homosexuality is a sin."

"It is my hope that perhaps this movie will help those who feel that way [homophobic] to perhaps be more compassionate to those who are a part of the LGBT community, whether they are in the closet or out," writes Cuttler.

In Louise Adams's review for Edge, she calls the film "disturbing and urgent" with Simone's attack "hauntingly recounted in the prologue with an animation by Molly Schwartz." She mentions One Love, Bob Marley's song that became Jamaica's ironic yet contradictory theme song, saying: "to see such government and culturally-sanctioned hatred and violence, in 2013, in a 'one love, one heart' vacation paradise, is shocking, and deserves attention."

Moira Sullivan calls "The Abominable Crime" "an excellent documentary" in the Examiner.

Facebook fan Asa DeMatteo describes it as "an outstanding film, a masterpiece … phenomenal: the stories were informative and moving, the editing was first rate, the characters were universal and intimate at the same time." DeMatteo's Facebook page says that he is a self-employed clinical psychologist in San Francisco who has been active in fighting for LGBT rights. Using the film's Facebook page as an outlet, DeMatteo continues to write," [the film] will force you to question your own actions, again whether gay or straight, and will, I think, appeal to your better angels."

DeMatteo comments about the documentary further on his blog. "It asks the question now being asked by many people of faith around the world in the face of increased violence against gays ... namely, 'What kind of society do we want for our country?'" DeMatteo ends by saying, "[The film] will open your eyes even while it fills them with tears."

The blog by Michael Hawley, who is known as blogger-415, is dedicated to film critiques and reviews. Hawley writes that "each year Frameline has documentaries which remind us how dire life is for LGBT folk in many parts of the world" and that "The Abominable Crime" is one of those films. In briefly summarizing the film, Hawley writes that "The Abominable Crime" is "tremendously affecting."

For more information on the documentary, visit "The Abominable Crime" website. The next screening will be in Belize on July 14.

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