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Pulitzer Center Update April 6, 2021

A Whirlwind Tour of the Past Three Months

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The logo of the 1619 Project Law School Intiative

Image by Florence Goupil. Peru, 2020.

"The Pulitzer Model in Action, Q1 of 2021"

The use of innovative reporting techniques, from virtual-reality video to community-centered data journalism. In-depth engagement via online classroom visits with our journalists, professional development workshops for teachers, and reporting opportunities for students at our Campus Consortium partner schools. Compelling online interviews, webinars, and panel discussions, freely available to all our readers and viewers worldwide.

The highlights of our work in the first quarter of 2021 are a portrait of the Pulitzer Center model in action. In the summaries and hyperlinks, you’ll find amazing reporting, published in big global outlets—and in the smaller regional news organizations struggling to survive. You’ll encounter some of the most inspiring, engaged teachers and students we know. And most of all, you’ll see what a difference it makes when all of us—journalists, educators, donors, and my wonderful colleagues—work together. 

I hope you’ll take a look at the dazzling Shorthand presentation prepared by our super-talented designer Lucy Crelli.  Give us your feedback on what we’re doing well—and where we can do better! Thank you all for being part of the Pulitzer Center community.





The story “‘They Think Workers Are Like Dogs.’ How Pork Plant Execs Sacrificed Safety for Profits,” part of the Pulitzer Center-supported project COVID-19, Agriculture Workers and Our Food System published on the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting’s website and in USA TODAY, has been named a semifinalist for the 2021 Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting. In a recent webinar, the grantees who reported the story joined food historian Roger Horowitz and League of United Latin American Citizens National President Domingo Garcia to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural workers.


This message first appeared in the April 6, 2021 edition of the Pulitzer Center weekly newsletter. Subscribe today.

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