The Hidden Threat of PM2.5
Larry C. Price and Gayathri Vaidyanathan
Airborne pollution is not just a contributor to climate change. It is one of the world's leading killers, claiming more than 4 million lives annually. The deadliest type: what scientists call PM2.5. These are particles 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair, making them particularly suited to infiltrate the human body's defenses. Working with Undark, photographer and multimedia journalist Larry C. Price visits seven countries on five continents to gauge the threat posed by PM2.5 to human health. Segment one takes us to India, where Price teams up with writer Gayathri Vaidyanathan to report on the astronomical levels of pollution there—pollution that kills 1 million people annually.
Behind the Rohingya Genocide
Jason Motlagh
Writing for Rolling Stone, Jason Motlagh tells the harrowing stories of Rohingya survivors—and presents the eyewitness account of a former Myanmar army officer—who all testify to a deliberate campaign of eradication.
Putin's Push into Africa
Jake Losh and Owen Matthews
President Vladimir Putin is expanding Russian power in Africa by reestablishing Cold War–era alliances, report Jack Losh and Owen Matthews for Newsweek. “There will be a battle for Africa,” says Evgeny Korendyasov, head of Russian-African studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, “and it will grow.”
In 2017, Myanmar’s military targeted Rohingya Muslims in a pogrom of mass murder and rape. We...
The Center Cannot Hold
Five years since war erupted, life in the Central African Republic is again spiralling out of...