Exposing the Abuse of Nigeria’s 'Witchcraft' Children
Grantee Marc Ellison’s project has the look and feel of a graphic novel, combining his photographs, text, and video with the vivid illustrations of artist Ozo Ezeogu, but the story they tell—of children beaten and abandoned, falsely accused of witchcraft—is shockingly true. More shocking still is the role of some churches in legitimizing a dreadful practice.
In El Salvador, Jesus and the Gangs
An inspiring video that demonstrates how religion can be transformational in a positive way—in this case the story of how Christian faith has redeemed the lives of Salvadoran men who for years had known only violence and crime.
A beautifully written account of a solo trip down Myanmar’s legendary Irrawaddy River, in an inflatable eight-foot kayak. The kayak is back in our office, ready for the next adventure.
The Only Way Out in El Salvador
In El Salvador, brutal gangs like MS-13 and 18th Street do not allow members to quit without penalty...
As Myanmar emerges from half a century of isolation to join the globalized world, Doug Bock Clark...