Pulitzer Center Update March 3, 2021
Virtual Journalist Visit Opportunities for Women’s History Month
Uplift stories of the triumphs and challenges of women around the world by hosting a virtual journalist visit! During Women's History Month, we’re featuring journalists who have covered women’s rights and resistance, from feminist schools in India to women-led peace movements in Afghanistan. Take a look at our featured guest speakers below, and then reach out to connect your class with a guest speaker who can directly support your teaching!
Journalist Guest Speakers for Women’s History Month
- A photojournalist who contributed to Women on the Move, a National Geographic feature about the experiences of women migrants and the myriad factors—like violence, famine, poverty, and climate change—that spurred them to uproot their lives and start again.
- Sarah Waiswa, a photojournalist who reported on a workshop designed to protect girls left vulnerable when Kenya’s schools closed due to COVID-19.
- Anita Pouchard Serra, a photojournalist who reported on immigrant women frontline workers in Buenos Aires during the pandemic.
- Yuhong Pang and Robert Tokanel, filmmakers who collaborated with Tatenda Ngwaru to tell her story of finding home as an intersex asylum seeker from Zimbabwe. (Tatenda may also be available for visits.)
- Annalisa Merelli, a writer who profiled the Pardada Pardadi school in rural India and its commitment to girls' empowerment.
- Corinne Chin and Erika Schultz, journalists at The Seattle Times who reported on femicide in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and the resilient mothers fighting for justice.
- Alice Su and Sara Hylton, journalists who reported on women peace-builders in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are working to resist violent extremism.
- Chloé Lula, a writer who covers queer communities and recently reported on transgender rights struggles in the country of Georgia.
- Pooyan Tabatabaei and his team, a photojournalist who has been reporting on how the pandemic is affecting Iran's women and marginalized communities.
- Arianne Lachapelle Henry, a journalist and public health professional who reported on the mental health of Ethiopian women doing domestic work in Saudi Arabia.
We use many different platforms to connect, including Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams, and will work with you to identify the best technology for your learners. Virtual journalist visits are a great way to help students...
- Understand how what they're studying affects people's lives
- Learn how research, writing, critical thinking, multimedia, and more skills are used in journalism
- Practice preparing and asking questions of an expert
- Get excited about using the news to learn about the world
- And much more!
To schedule a virtual journalist visit, just click here! We will match you with a journalist based on your request.