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Pulitzer Center Update April 13, 2020

Pulitzer Grantee Recognized By Kentucky AP Broadcasters Contest

Screenshot from the Taken microsite. Image by Dan McCarey. United States, 2018.

A data-driven look at the impact of civil asset forfeiture reform laws throughout the Midwest.

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Theron Carson sits on the floor with his daughter watching cartoons. Carson was charged with trafficking marijuana and had $1,200 seized from his home after the police smelled weed coming from his Newburg apartment and conducted a search. Image by J. Tyler Franklin. United States, 2019.
Theron Carson sits on the floor with his daughter watching cartoons. Carson was charged with trafficking marijuana and had $1,200 seized from his home after the police smelled weed coming from his Newburg apartment and conducted a search. Image by J. Tyler Franklin. United States, 2019.

On Friday, April 10, the winners were announced for the Kentucky AP Broadcasters Contest to recognize broadcast journalism in 2019.

Jacob Ryan's story "Conviction or Not, Seized Cash is 'Cost of Doing Business' in Louisville" won first place for investigative reporting in the professional category. In his story for the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting, Ryan writes about how police in Louisville, Kentucky can arbitrarily seize civilian assets and how asset forfeiture impacts people.

To learn more about the contest and view the full list of winners, please visit the Associated Press website.


Money seized from a St. Matthews, KY hotel in February 2018 through asset forfeiture. Image courtesy of Jefferson County Circuit Court. United States, 2018.

Kentucky has some of the weakest laws in the country when it comes to protecting property from...


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