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Pulitzer Center Update April 10, 2020

Grantee Tony Briscoe Places Second in 2020 National Headliner Awards

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Markie Miller at her home in Toledo, Ohio on Sept. 24, 2019. The activist for Toledoans for Safe Water, has lived near Lake Erie her entire life. Image by Zbigniew Bzdak / Chicago Tribune. United States, 2019.

Climate change is not only causing a crisis for our oceans and coasts, but it is also having a...

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Multiple Authors
The fat tire bike race across the frozen surface of Lake Superior on Chequamegon Bay in Washburn, Wisconsin, takes place on Feb. 16, 2020. The 20K race is one of Wisconsin's most unique fat bike races, bringing about 100 participants. Image by Zbigniew Bzdak/The Chicago Tribune. United States, 2020.
The fat tire bike race across the frozen surface of Lake Superior on Chequamegon Bay in Washburn, Wisconsin, takes place on Feb. 16, 2020. The 20K race is one of Wisconsin's most unique fat bike races, bringing about 100 participants. Image by Zbigniew Bzdak/The Chicago Tribune. United States, 2020.

In April 2020, the Press Club of Atlantic City announced the winners of the 86th National Headliner Awards. Tony Briscoe, an environmental reporter, placed second for environmental writing by an individual or team for his Pulitzer Center-supported Chicago Tribune series, "Climate Change: Great Lakes, High Stakes," which explores how global warming is jeopardizing North America's Great Lakes.

Founded in 1934 by the Press Club of Atlantic City, the National Headliner Awards program is one of the oldest and largest annual contests recognizing journalistic merit in the communications industry.

To view the full list of winners and runner-ups, visit the National Headliner Awards website.


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