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Pulitzer Center Update April 12, 2023

Pulitzer Center, PIMCO Honor Women's History Month with Fireside Chats

Masouma Tajik in her Rutgers dorm

"TIME" shares stories of Afghan refugees one year after the fall of Kabul.

The Pulitzer Center teamed up with the PIMCO Foundation to create two Fireside Chats for Women’s History Month in March, featuring grantees Jane FergusonAna SantosAmie Ferris-Rotman, and Zahra Joya.

Their conversations ranged from reproductive rights to female political leaders and stressed the importance of field reporting to decipher spin from reality, especially on gender.

Watch the conversations below:

Video courtesy of PIMCO. United States, 2023.


Image courtesy of PIMCO. United States, 2023.


Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


Gender Equality

Gender Equality