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Dear Educators,
This week's news bite lesson explores the question, "What is the right way to help?" by investigating reporting on several relief initiatives taking shape in Haiti.
Our featured lesson of the week looks at Sonia Shah's "Mapping Cholera" map, which uses fascinating visuals to compare the spread of cholera in 21st century Haiti to the spread of cholera in 19th century Manhattan.
Hope you all had a wonderful long weekend!
News Bite Lesson: Solutions Journalism in Haiti'
What is the right way to help? What is the best way to support a community facing economic challenges? This lesson plan explores reporting by Jamie McGee and Larry McCormack on solutions to economic challenges facing Haiti. Students review video, photos and writing to analyze how the authors investigate and justify solutions using interviews and research. Students ultimately have the opportunity to apply the details that stand out to them from their reading to the creation of a campaign supporting one of the initiatives described in the articles.
Featured Lesson: Illustrating Cholera Outbreaks in Manhattan and Haiti
This week's featured lesson asks students to analyze the impacts of cholera outbreaks in Manhattan and Haiti by exploring Sonia Shah's "Mapping Cholera" map. Additionally, students brainstorm health concerns in their own communities, analyze the author's purpose for creating the map and create plans for their own publicity campaigns informing community members of current health concerns.
Education News: Support Pulitzer Center Education Programming by donating Thursday, June 2nd
Last year, Pulitzer Center participated in the Do More 24 campaign and was able to earn enough money to buy cameras for students participating in journalist-led photography workshops. Those cameras were then used by nearly 100 students this school year as part of photography exhibitions like The Empathy Gap, which was inspired by Daniella Zalcman's "Signs of Your Identity" project.
This year, we would love your help raising money to expand our work in DC schools for the 2016-2017 school year. $24 would cover reporting supplies for a class to be used in journalism workshops and reporting field trips taught by our journalists. $48 would cover a classroom video-chat with a journalist anywhere in the world. $124 would pay for approximately one and a half point-and-shoot cameras for students that would be used as part of a Pulitzer Center media workshop. With more, we could schedule reporting field trips, organize photography exhibitions involving multiple schools and coordinate in-school visits for thousands of students.
Please consider donating tomorrow, and please share our Do More 24 campaign information with your friends and family. Your support and generosity can make a huge difference in cultivating students' connections to the world.
Featured Project of the Week: "Reviving a Chicken Economy" by Jamie McGee and Larry McCormack
Click here to learn more about journalists Jamie McGee and Larry McCormack and their project about the chicken industry in Haiti. Create your own lesson plan using Jamie and Larry's work with our Lesson Builder.
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