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Story Publication logo December 21, 2022

Vale Indonesia Claims To Consistently Improve Communication With Surrounding Communities (bahasa Indonesia)


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This story excerpt was translated from bahasa Indonesia. To read the original story in full, visit Tempo. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website [here]. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta—PT Vale Indonesia's Head of Communication, Bayu Aji, admitted that his party is very open to receiving input and information from all parties, including about empowering communities around the mining area.

"Vale consistently improves communication and information patterns," Bayu Aji told Tempo on Thursday evening, December 15, 2022. According to him, Vale highly values and upholds democratic values, including freedom of speech.

Bayu Aji said this in response to the anxiety of the Padoe indigenous community in Wasuponda District, East Luwu. Residents were shocked that there was a concession area without prior consultation and socialization. "When there were stakes, we found out. And the company people said it was their territory," said Ameria Sinta, a Padoe indigenous community member.

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However, Bayu denied the claims of the Padoe residents. According to him, as an open and bonded company, PT Vale Indonesia will never take the rights of other parties. Because, the company is very obedient to the rules and upholds the existence of legal grounds. In fact, he ensures that all land managed and included in the concession has complete documents.

The amendment to PT Vale Indonesia's contract of work (CoW) signed on October 17, 2014 was the result of an agreement in renegotiation with the Indonesian government as mandated by the Minerba Law. The amendment reduced Vale's area to approximately 70,000 hectares. "There is no addition of new land," said Bayu.

Nickel mining activities in East Luwu. Image by Didit Haryadi/Tempo. Indonesia, 2022.


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