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Story Publication logo December 2, 2022

For the Sake of Mining, East Luwu People’s Voices Are Ignored (bahasa Indonesia)


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This story excerpt was translated from bahasa Indonesia. To read the original story in full, visit Alur. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website here. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

East Luwu - The fishermen community in Pasi-pasi Village, Malili Subdistrict, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, claimed to be disadvantaged due to mining activities owned by PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM). The massive mining activities have made fishermen lose their livelihoods to go to sea.

Fishermen regret that before operating, the company did not consult first.

"That's why what we have been voicing so far is about EIA (environmental impact analysis)," said Muhammad Anwar, a fisherman who was met at his house, Wednesday, June 29, 2022.

The community has felt the impact of mining activities since the last two years. Where, they have to look for fish outside the coastal area in their village. Because it has been polluted by mining waste. Sea water is also murky, especially when the rainy season arrives.

"The color is like brown," said the 45-year-old man.

The difficulty of getting fish has led the community to demonstrate demanding the company to be responsible.

Fishermen in Pasi-pasi Village, Malili District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. Image by Didit Hariyadi/Alur. Indonesia, 2022.

Mining activities owned by PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM). Image by Didit Hariyadi/Alur. Indonesia, 2022.

Mining activities owned by PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM). Image by Didit Hariyadi/Alur. Indonesia, 2022.

Director of WALHI South Sulawesi, Muhammad Al Amin. Image by Tribun Makassar. Indonesia, 2022.


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