During the pandemic, the streets of New York City were empty and quiet. Now in October 2021, you are serenaded by sounds of traffic while walking down the street. Some might miss the quiet, but personally I am happy to see that city life is returning to what it once was.
I moved to the city this past July. Seeing the city evolve to adapt to post-vaccine life in just the few months I’ve been here has been interesting to watch. I honestly can’t begin to wrap my head around what life was like here during lockdown.
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When I got here in July the bulk of the COVID-19 restrictions were lifted due to high vaccination rates across the state. Indoor dining was available, gyms opened back up, and you could even watch a movie in a theater. The city does require proof of vaccination to enter these establishments in an effort to further promote the vaccine and overall health.

Reporting in a new city in the midst of a pandemic has been a very intimidating process. Even with life returning to a new sense of normalcy I was still adapting to my new environment.
Thanks to the vaccine, I was able to conduct two of my three interviews in person. Doing these two interviews helped me become more comfortable with my new surroundings. All three of my interviews not only added to my piece but also helped me adapt to my new life in the city.

I was inspired by how Kyo Pang, Tamara Chapman, and Rebecca Doudak did not let a global pandemic stop them from pursuing their passions. Pang kept her restaurant open when many others around the city were forced to close due to lack of money. Chapman innovated methods to safely carry out photo shoots. Doudak kept her social media presence alive by creating content in different ways than she had ever done before. While these are just three accounts, I think it shows how New Yorkers are some of the most resilient and innovative people.