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Story Publication logo November 6, 2017

Panama Dam Opposed by Indigenous People



An unintended planet-wide experiment is underway–leading to warming temperatures and an acidifying...

The Barro Blanco hydroelectric dam has flooded land of the Ngöbe-Buglé people in Panama. Image by Daniel Grossman. Panama, 2017.
The Barro Blanco hydroelectric dam has flooded land of the Ngöbe-Buglé people in Panama. Image by Daniel Grossman. Panama, 2017.

Scientists agree that global warming is heating up the planet. They also say that one solution to cutting carbon is to use energy more efficiently, and wherever possible to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy.

But low-carbon energy can sometimes create its own problems, as reporter Daniel Grossman (@grossmanmedia) saw on a visit to an indigenous community in Panama.


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Environment and Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change

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