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Story Publication logo May 14, 2009

Jason Motlagh Reporting from Afghanistan, on Stand Up!



In 2008, there were over 2,100 civilians casualties across Afghanistan. US airstrikes accounted for...


"We found a great journalist. We've been trying to find as many people as we can to talk about the situation in Afghanistan, and my guest now is a roving freelance multimedia journalist. He has reported from over 30 countries throughout West Africa, the Mideast, Central and South Asia for leading U.S. and international media outlets. And a series of recent multimedia projects undertaken with support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting have explored conflicts with India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. He's regional focus also includes ongoing coverage of the wars in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where he spends much of his time and where he is now. Jason Motlagh, thank you so much for joining us."

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